‘Tetris Effect’ soundtrack now available for streaming


Tetris Effect, like the legendary original Tetris it was based on, can put players into a “flow state:” a period of great concentration where distractions melt away and you become entirely absorbed in the task at hand.” Researchers have measured mental benefits from flow state, and from Tetris, specifically. A study from Oxford University and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that playing Tetris after a traumatic event could create a dissociative state that could help prevent formation of memories that would lead to PTSD.

Tetris Effect ups the ante on flow state by creating a synthesia of music, animations and gameplay. Hydelic seemed to keep this in mind as he composed the soundtrack. “I set the theme for the sound and music as elements that enhance your immersive experience or soothe, calm, and make you relax,” he said. Perhaps the Tetris Effect music is just what the doctor ordered for these stress-laden times.


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