This cardboard Wolfenstein 3D setup invites you to punch Nazis remotely


We’ve seen Wolfenstein — and usually Doom — ported to all kinds of platforms before, but this cardboard version of iD Software’s classic FPS is unique. Through the magic of telepresence, players control a tiny robot that is actually driving through a tiny maze, knocking over cardboard Nazis as they go. If you want to play, all you need to do is point your web browser at this address and wait for the game to go live as scheduled.

The robot itself is just a bit more than a phone case that is also made out of cardboard plus three motors. The entire setup is managed by Ross Atkins, who is promoting the Smartipresence project on Kickstarter. Other than playing realized versions of classic games, it lets loved ones or coworkers drive the camera around on their own while they’re on the other end of your video call.


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