Universal Studios teases ‘Super Nintendo World’ with a music video


As promised, Universal Studios Japan is on track to open its Super Nintendo World park this summer ahead of the Olympic Games. Now it’s teasing the new area with a mostly-CG music video and song made by Galantis with Charlie XCX.

If you were hoping for a glimpse inside the new area or some idea of what rides are in store, you won’t see them. Instead there’s a dance sequence and some dreamy segments showing how players go from hanging out at home with their Switch to enjoying an in-real-life experience.

However, on a website that launched along with the video, it did mention the real-life Mario Kart experience we’d heard about, and says that families will be able to travel the park on Yoshi’s back. Also, there’s a “power up band” teased that appears to be your wearable park pass, while you traverse the world and encounter Mario-style blocks in real life.

As it says at the end “Play in real world this summer.”


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