US lawmakers ask Jeff Bezos to testify about Amazon’s alleged data abuse


“If the reporting in the Wall Street Journal article is accurate, then statements Amazon made to the Committee about the company’s business practices appear to be misleading, and possibly criminally false or perjurious,” the letter says. “If these allegations are true, then Amazon exploited its role as the largest online marketplace in the U.S. to appropriate the sensitive commercial data of individual marketplace sellers and then used that data to compete directly with those sellers.”

The letter comes after Senator Josh Hawley called for a criminal antitrust investigation into the claims. When the report first came out, Amazon said it “strictly prohibt[s]” workers from using private seller data. It also said it had launched an internal investigation into the situation. 

As CNBC notes, Jeff Bezos is the only CEO of one of the big-four US tech companies — Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook — to have not testified before Congress. Amazon is currently the subject of a House Antitrust Subcommittee investigation as well. According to Bloomberg, the Federal Trade Commission has also launched a probe into the company’s practices. 


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