Volvo’s new app tells you what to do after a car accident


After confirming to Volvo customer care that you’re not hurt or in need of emergency assistance, you’ll get a text to your phone linking you to the service. The app will then guide you step-by-step through the necessary actions you need to take, such as taking photos of the damage, writing down notes about the accident and getting information about any other vehicles that were involved.

All that data is then wrapped up in a neat package and sent directly to your insurer, helping you get on your insurance claim straight away. The service also helps you locate Volvo-approved car repair centers, and can even help you arrange a tow to those facilities. Volvo says Car Accident Advisor will work with all of its vehicles after the “2015.5” model year, although if yours is older you can use the service by calling Volvo’s customer care line. It’s completely free.


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