White House withdraws FCC commissioner renomination


The Trump administration has changed its tune about backing what was supposed to be Mike O’Rielly’s third term as an FCC Commissioner. According to Reuters and Bloomberg, the White House has withdrawn O’Rielly’s renomination and has notified the Senate on Monday. While the administration didn’t say why it’s no longer nominating O’Rielly for another term, the Commissioner recently expressed doubts about the White House’s plans to limit the protections social media platforms enjoy under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.

If you’ll recall, the Trump administration recently filed a petition asking the FCC to conjure up rules clarifying Section 230, which states that ISPs and social media platforms can’t be held legally responsible for what their users say or post. The petition argued that “[t]he FCC should determine how section 230 can best serve its goals of promoting internet diversity and a free flow of ideas, as well as holding dominant platforms accountable for their editorial decisions, in new market conditions and technologies that have emerged since the 1990s.”


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